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Beyond The Surface

Inspiring growth through mentorship

Beyond The Surface is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals find their purpose and grow through mentorship. Our goal is to empower individuals to go deeper in their walk with God and to learn how to develop and invest in their spirit.

We believe that going deeper in your walk with God and learning to develop your spirit are the key foundations for living a fulfilled life. We aim to empower individuals and equip them with the knowledge and tools to take charge of their lives.

Our Focus

Expressing the Power of God.

God's word is clear on the resident power at work in every believer according to Acts 1:8.


Our focus at BTS is to unleash the power of God resident in us, to win the various battles and challenges of daily lives.

We understand that Christianity without power is not genuine Christianity.
Thus, we are very big on deploying the power of God and putting it to work rather than depending on human strength and capabilities alone.

Societal Impact

Life is incomplete without making a major impact on the world around us. Thus, BTS features several hubs that touch and impact various groups in society namely the hospital hub, medical outreach hub, university hub, secondary school hub, the Adulam correctional hub, Bible giving hub, career hub, business hub and welfare hub.

Spiritual Development

Number one on our priority list , is to build the spiritual lives of participants and members as a foundation for thriving in life.


About Beyond The Surface

Welcome to Beyond The Surface (BTS), the place to be if you want to deepen your walk with God. We offer mentorship and discipleship programs that are designed to help you pursue a beyond-the-surface walk with God.


Our goal is to help you lay a strong foundation in your faith journey, so you can tackle the challenges of life with ease and confidence. Come join us today and begin your journey towards experiencing God in a deeper, more meaningful way.

Image by Yannick Pulver

Meet the leaders

Girl with Arms Stretched Out
"Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand. [2] Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth."

― Colossians 3:1-2 NLT

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